Saturday, January 29, 2011


An "alternate" version, for sure, but I'm a fan of Jim Starlin, who brought Adam Warlock to life. I'm also a fan of Adam Lambert, who was the impetus for this original photo. "Ya gotta have heart!"

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Psychedelic Skull Faces, Pt. 3

Psychedelic Skull Faces, Pt. 2

Psychedelic Skull faces, Pt. I

Saturday, January 08, 2011

The Final Two Days of Christmas Werewolf Images

On the night before Christmas, I thought I'd post a version that looked close to the original sketch, with a splash of color. The top one is the final version of Christmas Day's version. Enjoy!

3rd Batch of 3 Werewolves of Christmas!

This is the 3rd batch of three, and I published one, and a draft earlier, as well as an unused one. I hope nobody's getting sick of the Christmas Werewolves! Two more to publish, including the finished version of the final day's image.

Next Batch of 3 Christmas Werewolves...

I'll gather them all in one post next year, or make an animated GIF image, maybe. Right now, I just want to get them posted here, in reasonable sizes for my crappy dial-up connection! LOL!

More Werewolves of Christmas

Three more from my FB series, originally published on the 12 days of Christmas.

Red "bang 137" on Acid Aqua jeans pocket...

Monday, January 03, 2011

*bang*137* Levis Ass Pocket Art - HULK Version!!!